Tuesday, August 3, 2010

They have a canon, big deal. I have a TANK! a Sheridan. 2010-08-01

They made the first bell in California for mission San Antonio 2010-08-01

This is 3rd mission that Father Serra established. He brought the people presents and the natives loved him unlike at San Luis Obispo when the natives SHOT AT THEM WITH FIERY ARROWS!

Monday, August 2, 2010

At first, we thought the mission was going for a little realism with the soap-suds in the laudaraium...but a local express extreme displeasure when he viewed what vandals had done to the public fountain! ME? I was all for taking a bath. 2010-08-01

This millstone was made up of many stones and banded together with an iron band. I don't know if it was because they couldn't find a large enough stone to quarry or because this made for a better milling stone. Does anyone know the answer? 2010-08-01

The only wooden mission bell in California! 2010-08-01
This the 9th mission in order by Father Serra. It was one of the most prosperous because great climate and extensive irrigation. 2010-08-01