Tuesday, July 27, 2010

An exact replica of the Liberty Bell. "What price liberty?!" I'm going to have a big, dizzy headache. 2010-07-27


  1. hah, is dad choking you out in front of a historical site?

  2. Nahhhh. You know dad. He's ringing my bell! (Get it?? I sure didn't. LOL!)

  3. Wait till he sees what happens at the tallow vats

  4. Hi Benjamin,
    Hope you are enjoying your adventure.
    No mention of Jesus is not surprising. The missions are built by the Catholic's. They do not accept Jesus as the Son of God who gave his life so that we could go directly to God.
    A Catholic's prayer begins with 'Holy Mary mother of God' or 'Holy Saint (whatever)'.
    In dealing with Holy things the Bible tells us not to call any man father yet the catholic's call the Priest father.

  5. Dear Anonymous,

    Mom taught me about the writing of the Apostle John. He warned about the "spirit of anti-Christ." The "spirit of anti-Christ" isn't just in the Catholic church. It is in many churches that call themselves Christian but don't really know Jesus. Being a Christian is not about religion it's about relationship. Religion, mom says, is a bunch of rules and trying to reach God by our own works. Relationship, is reaching God by His work and getting to know Him through obedience. I don't know if Junipero Serra knew Jesus. But it sure seems like he did! He loved the California Indians too. He really wanted them to know Jesus. The thing mom tells me I really need to be concerned about is whether or not I know Jesus! I can't judge what's in another person's heart...but I can let the Holy Spirit continue to work in mine.

    Thank you for following my blog. Ben Clark
