Tuesday, July 27, 2010

"In 1769, the El Camino Real was just a footpath begun by the Franciscans and lead by Father Junipero Serra who was a deciding influence in establishing the Missions north from San Diego to Sonoma."

The road pictured in front of mom, is the one that Bautista de Anza traveled and it originally began from Guatemala to Mexico and then in the 18th century to San Diego and then on to Sonoma. These men felt it was God's calling on their lives to bring Y'shua -- Jesus -- and His gift of salvation to "all the world." "Spain" (the government) might not have financed it if there wasn't financial benefit (what earthly government is free from corruption?) However, many of the men (and women) who came...walked this road because their Lord called them to do so. In a way, El Camino Real -- the King's Highway -- is actually the road of sanctification. It's our day by day...moment by moment...willingness to obey God's calling and voice. To go when He says , "Go." To come when He says, "Come." To stay when He says, "Stay." The "King's Highway" is hard and lonely if we're looking for "familiar" to keep us company. However, if we're looking for the company of the King...and His Royal Children...we will dance the road with others who have walked it before us! 2010-07-24


  1. This is very well written. I am having such a good time catching up on your adventures........I feel almost like I am with you. xoxox

  2. Thanks for joining us Aunt Deb!
