Tuesday, July 27, 2010

Sometimes, understanding time-lines comes in handy. It's like understanding that as your dad is growing up in New York...your mom is growing up in California. They're living totally different lives, in totally different states, on totally different sides of the continent. That's what the history of our country is like. While our "founding fathers" were framing the Constitution of the United States and English colonies declared their independence in 1776, the presidio was built in San Francisco. By 1781, the fighting had ended on the east coast as the Americans won their independence from Great Britain. At the same time, many Spaniards lost their lives in the Yuma Massacre. (The Yuma Massacre happened when the Spaniards were trying to establish an overland route for their Missions.) In would be less than 100 years and the paths of these two lands would cross! 2010-07-27


  1. BEN!!!!! Hi.
    I was just at the Presidio on thursday, and was wondering where you guys were on your trip.Looks like its going well.I wonder how many bells you have seen so far.Have you been counting by any chance? :)

  2. Hi Jennifer, we have only seen 9 missions but there was 85 bells in the tower bells between them. What were you doing at the Presidio? Were you checking out the soldiers? I'm teasing...don't hurt me!

  3. Oops! My BAD! I meant to say, we saw 31 bells between the 9 missions...I think. I can't remember if we saw 3 or 4 at the Mission near Carmel. Hmmm (?)

  4. hehehe, It's ok..it's just proof that you are in fact your mother's child ;)

    I drove my Step-mom and Sis up to see the Golden Gate.And we cut through the Presidio, parking there instead of where the tourists park.I usually go up there about twice a year to walk a bit and get some pictures.Have you seen the mission there? Or I should say what's left of it?

    p.s. If your ma is really good at her job she has already noticed that I avoided the question, mwahahaha!

  5. We have not yet been up to the SF mission(s),but it is on our visit list. Would you like to come with us to see it? It's okay you didn't answer our question. We already know the answer...mwahahahahahahahah!

  6. I would totally love to join you guys. Just let me know when, and I will distract your ma for you for at least one day.And she can get a full day of teasing me, hehehe :P
